Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rest In Peace Mufassa!!!!

My poor Zackery and Avery for that matter learned a hard lesson on life and death this week. Our poor Moufassa died late Tuesday night. Zack beaing the loving child he is (with Animals) took Moufassa to bed with him unknown to me. At some point durring the night Zack rolled on Moufassa and killed him. When I went in to give the kids kisses before i left for work, i found him passed away right beside Zack. Needeless to say my children were devistated to wake up to this. Belive it or not I was granted bereavement leave so that I could go home for the funeral. After the funeral we sat as a family and disscused when and what type of animal to get next. We have narrowed it down to a small but sturdy dog, or a rabbit. I did tell them though that it would be a couple of months before we got another pet. You see I had never had a pet growing up that died. There were always dogs around, but nothing more than that, so I a 33 yr old mom had a melt down over losing a hamster. How silly is that. Well Moufassa know that you were loved greatly and don't worry you have plenty of family to watch over you in heaven.

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